Jackie has dedicated two years to CASA, demonstrating immense passion for the welfare of the children in her charge. Her eagerness to act in the children's best interests is commendable. We are indeed fortunate to have such a reliable and committed advocate. Her continuous desire to expand her knowledge to better serve and represent the children is truly admirable.
Thank you, Jackie for all you do for the children who are being abused and neglected.
Our Vision: Seeing Every Child in a Safe, Permanent Home
CASA Volunteers help change children's lives every day.
Abused and neglected children had a CASA volunteer speaking up for their best interest in the last year.
250, 323
Children are waiting for a volunteer empowered to find them a safe, loving, permanent home.
Children in safer homes since 1977.
2 Million
Ryan Dollinger
I would have been lost in foster care without my CASA volunteer.