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Staff Spotlight

Each month, we proudly spotlight a dedicated member of our staff who works tirelessly to serve the children of Roane, Loudon, Morgan, Cumberland, Putnam, and Overton counties. A successful local CASA program like CASA of the Tennessee Valley relies on a strong, passionate team, and we are incredibly proud of ours!

Please meet our current employee of the month: 

Our Vision: Seeing Every Child in a Safe, Permanent Home

  • CASA Volunteers help change children's lives every day.


  • Abused and neglected children had a CASA volunteer speaking up for their best interest in the last year.

    250, 323

  • Children are waiting for a volunteer empowered to find them a safe, loving, permanent home.


  • Children in safer homes since 1977.

    2 Million

  • Ryan Dollinger
    Ryan Dollinger

    I would have been lost in foster care without my CASA volunteer.

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

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